Opening hours during the Easter 2024


Sundlaug, Swimming pool

450 2510

Vefsíðan okkar

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The sport center in Tálknafjörður has a swimming pool and a gymnasium. The pool area has a 25 meter outdoor pool, hot tubs, childrens pool and a water slide. There is also a gym that has a reasonable priced access fee.

There is also internet connection for a small price.

Next to the swimming pool is a camp site.

Opening hours

Winter opening, from 19. August

  • Mondays – Thursdays:  08:00 – 20:00
  • Fridays:  08:00 – 19:00
  • Saturdays:  10:00 – 15:00
  • Sundays:  10:00 – 14:00

Summer opening

  • Mondays to Fridays:  09:00 – 20:30
  • Saturdays and Sundays:  10:00 – 18:00

Not possible to buy admission later than 30 minutes before closing time and guests are asked to leave 15 minutes before closing.


Gjaldskrá - Frekari upplýsingar

2025Single ticket10 times20 times40 times6 month card1 year card
Children, 0 - 5 yearsFrítt
Childre, 6 - 16 years571 kr3.444 kr5.736 kr9.437 kr10.547 kr
Adults1.326 kr8.419 kr15.153 kr25.330 kr30.912 kr48.712 kr
Senior citizens & disabled571 kr3.444 kr5.736 kr9.437 kr10.547 kr
For rent956 kr956 kr642 kr
