Opening hours during the Easter 2024


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The swimming pool in Illugastaðir is in Fnjóskadal and is 16,5 meter long outdoor pool.  The pool is open for everyone and has two hot tubs and sunbathing area.  The pool is open during summertime, from early June until the end of August.

Opening hours

The swimming pool is open during summertime, from the beginning of June to 28. August.

  • Saturdays to Thursdays:  10:30 – 17:30
  • Fridays:  Closed



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Gjaldskrá - Frekari upplýsingar

2024Admission10 piece admission
Children, 6 - 17 years400 kr3.300 kr
Adults1.100 kr7.700 kr
Seniors and disabled500 kr3.900 kr
