Opening hours during the Easter 2024

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Swimming pool

480 3890

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The swimming pool in Þorlákshöfn is a 25 meter long pool, with two hot tubs, children´s pool, two water slides and an indoor children´s pool with toys.  The indoor pool is only 45 cm deep and very popular with the kids. By the pool is a water steam bath, two spacious dressing rooms and two outdoor dressing rooms.

On the second floor is a gym with an equipment room and a gymnastic room. There is also dressing rooms and two saunas. On the balcony there are three tubs, two hot and one cold.

Camp sites close by.


Opening hours

Summer opening 1. june to 31. august

  • Weekdays:  07:00 – 21:00
  • Weekends:  10:00 – 18:00

17. june:  Closed

Winter opening, 1. september to 31. may

  • Weekdays:  07:00 – 21:00
  • Weekends  10:00-17:00


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Gjaldskrá - Frekari upplýsingar

*Free for children up to 10 years old (start to pay the year they turn 10)
Seniors (67 year and older) do not have to pay admission.
Disabled do not have to pay admission.

2024Single admission10 tickets30 tickets1 year card
Children, 10 - 18 years*375 kr2.000 kr
Adults1.250 kr5.720 kr12.080 kr36.000 kr
Seniors and disabled0 kr
Rent875 kr875 kr
Swimsuit, towel and entrance2.120 kr
Shower620 kr
