Opening hours during the Easter 2024

Opening hours during the holidays

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It is very popular to visit the swimming pools during the holidays and relax in the hot tubs or swim away all the holiday stress. Swimming pools all around Iceland are open during the holidays and here below is a detailed list of the opening hours.

Most swimming pools are closed on christmas day and new years day. According to our information Laugarvatn Fontana, The secret Lagoon and the swimming pool at hotel Laugarhóll will be open during christmas day. On new years day more swimming pools are open including Laugardalslaug, the newly renovated Sundhöll Reykjavíkur and the swimming pool Sundlaug Kópavogs in the Capital area. In south Iceland it is Laugarvatn Fontana and the Secret Lagoon and in the Western fjords the swimming pool in Flateyri and at Hotel Laugarhóll are open.  In West Iceland the swimming pool in Húsafell is open.

Here is a more detailed list of opening hours.

We at wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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Opening hours for Easter 2024

Here below are the opening hours for Easter 2024.  We have not received opening hours from all swimming pools but we will do our best